May 11, 2010

life and loans

Hello folks, how isyour life going?
Mine is great this is why I didn't had time to post as often as I wished to and I won't be able to post for the next few months but this is it. you will be hearing about me but not as often as you got used to.
Lets talk about life of other people, I have heared that house prices are going up, witch for some is really good news, I also heared that people don't go as often to the bank as they wore hoping to go, those would be the latest news, good or bad you decide...
Obama's popularity went down, he tryed to laught it off saying that evan jay leno has low popularity nowadays, but jay leno is not the president of the usa.
Now lets talk about payday loans, or payday sharsks as they are called in our beatifull country. It is so funny to me, the motherland of democracy hates people just for offering a service. Nobody forces you to loan, if you need money and you do not have nowhere else to go you can wait to pay later or you can chose to apply for payday loans, the choice is only yours.
In the end, for all citizens of the us

Mar 29, 2010

Payday loans and bad credit loans

There is absolutly no difference between them, the only difference is in the loaners head because when he searches for instant loans he doesn't always uses the same text, so, everybody is different and they search for things like instant payday loans, or instant bad credit loans, they can also look like this payday bad credit loans, bad credit loans till payday, fast payday loans, etc.
The only thing that links all of this searches is LOANS! because in fact this is a loan, not just a loan, a short term for a few bucks loan.
Interests have fallen down, from 1000-2000% / year, now they are about 100%-400%/year, they are still high, but you must consider the fact that they wore much higher.
The only advice I can give you is that if you want to apply for payday loans or bad credit loans you should talk to a debt consultant before and he would tell you what would be the best thing to do!

Feb 22, 2010

Feb 11, 2010


I think that in this world there are 2 kinds of people that apply for loans, there are people who apply for loans to make more money by investing the loan in something profitable and there are people that take loans just to get by. By investment I mean evan loans to buy a house and so on.
I do not agree with people that are taking loans just to get by, in my opinion this thing shouldn't exist, I was raised like this, if I can not afford it I shall not buy it, simple as that, I only buy things that I can afford and I will not spend money foolishly. If I want to buy something that I don't really need like an mp3 player or a the newest pair of snickers that I set my eyes on I need to make some extra money so I can buy those things, I do not ever borrow money to buy something that I like and let the future decide for me. I think you should do the same!

Jan 31, 2010

loans and finnace

Hello dear friends
I want tot talk about your finnaces, if you are reading this blog it looks like you need some advice regarding your finances, regarding your loans, etc.
I will start by saying if you don't want to face finnacial issues you shouldn't ever apply for short term loans or small loans. Because they will cost much more that they can offer. Theyr interesest hit the roof the second you apply, if you want good finance do not do it.
Second thing you should do is to cut down your expences, you must buy only what you need, you do not need the new nintendon or an mp3 player, you need food, water and a roof over your head.
DO NOT GET ME WRONG! I think payday loans and bad credit loans can help some people, i don't hate nintendo or mp3 players, I just hate people that spend money foolishly and them cry on the news that payday lenders left them in the street. You must be carefull, any type of loan can harm you, the problem in my opinion with payday loans is that the lenders offer money to quickly, much to quickly, so more and more people when they need money they run fast to the lenders because they now that there someone will give them money.
This are the first two advices, maybe tommorow the next :)

Jan 19, 2010

Bad credit loans can make problems go bigger!

Before you apply for bad credit loans you should search the net for the general interests, pick the highest and then see if you can pay the lender back and still have some money left.
More and more people are going into bankruptcy because they have bad finnacial skills. Anybody should learn about the economics this days and what should they do to get more income.
One of the solutions that I preffer to pick is trying to make money out of the internet. But you should be carefull. Do not send money, try to make money without investing money in the business, after you earn something you can reinvest it all and so on untill the business will go on for itself!
Try getting more and more friends to follow you on tweeter, talk to people on facebook and other social media websites. You will find some extra income if you try!
Bad credit loans cand be a solution, but not a cheap one.
Think as bad credit loans as the last resort and try to use them as rare as possible!

Jan 12, 2010

Bad credit loans

I don't really like this name, bad credit loans, it sounds negative, like the lenders are doing something wrong, witch I think it is not the case, the lenders do something positive, for them of course. I would want to know who started this whole madness with bad credit loans and payday loans. I think that man should be givean an award for thinking of such a grea business. The ideea is pretty simple, when in crysis people need money, smal amounts that no bank will give, we make some lending offices and give people between 100$ and 500$ simple as that. When the bills will start to bother you and you won't have any money you will go to bad credit loans lenders and get your money. The sad part will have to be the huge interests that people will have to pay afterwards.
Please keep in mind that bad credit loans are not cheap, in fact they are quite expensive!

Jan 11, 2010

bad credit loans back

Bad credit loans are back on the track, people are starting to loan, lenders are starting to loan, in a short while things will get back to normal.

The isteria of the hollydays has gone, everybody just wants to stay home and relax, go to work, things we usually do. You don't see so many people in the streets, in the pubs or at the theatre. Maybe it is because of the cold weather, maybe it is because they have spend all the money they received from the bad credit loans agencyes before the hollydays. who knows. But the best thing about it is that we have finnaly some peace and quiet around here!

I guess in february the partyes will start, untill then we have a little time for relaxation and reflection.
Keep in mind that bad credit loans offer you small amounts of money like 100$.

Jan 7, 2010

Payday loans rise again

As I have told you, payday loans are on a rise, as any year, the january starts slow but picks up the pase. The begging of February will tells us more about the trends of the searches.
As i have told you before payday loans can be verry helpfull or can be verry harmfull. You must consider two things, what you want to do with the money you borrow and how you want to pay them back. As we all know there are not free things, especially when it comes to payday loans. You can agree with me that payday loans and bad credit loans are not the cheapest things to get, but when the time comes they can really come in handy!
Check out my earlier post about the lens and be sure to read that lens when you are getting a loan, payday loans are a little different problem because you get money from who offers to lend, you haven't got really much to choose from, but with other types of loans you must really check out the competitors interests.
Think before you act!

Jan 5, 2010

Bad credit loans

Why they are called this way? Because they are offered to people that evan have a bad credit. Don't you see something wrong here? This agencyes see that you don't have a clue about money and you aren't a finacial genius. This is why they offer to people with bad credit score, because they will come again. Only bad credit loans agencyes give this types of credit to people.
But lets think about this, if you have a bad credit why should you take a loan? If you already have a bad credit score this means that you won't be able to pay the loan in time and you will ask for a extension of the loans and so on.
So if you think about it is not the agency fault for peoples stupidity. IF YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY TO PAY BACK DO NOT TAKE THE LOAN IN THE FIRST PLACE!
happy new year :P

Jan 4, 2010

New week new payday loans

Monday, good old monday, this day has been with us since the begging of the time (almost) :) I don't know who was the first to call this day like this but I bet it is old. Today I would like to write some synonims for the word payday loans
it is going to be a list so be ready :)
payday loans synonims:
bad credit loans
personal loans
instant loans
hourly loans
payday credit
fast loans
fast cash
fast money
instant personal loans
instant bad credit loans
instant money
instant cash
best payday loans
:) this would be all of them, I hope they mean to you as much as they mean to me :P
that would be PAYDAY LOANS, the devils trade, don't get me wrong, I don't hate them, but.. there has to be a but... they offer something that people can help themselves getting, that thing is money, they are actually selling money for more money and people are buying.

Jan 3, 2010

why payday loans on

A wordpress fanatic just asked me this not so smart question
why payday loans on
it is so funny, on I can write links, I can say whatever I feel like about this site and about anything that I wish for.
In my opinion is 10 times better than wordpress.
Wordpress is like china, nice country, lots of people, but they are a comunist country and all those people must dance as worpdress sings.
Blogger is like the USA, absolute freedom.
For example I had a blog about payday loans where I talked about them I entered some links to some sites, wordpress told me that I was doing it for the money, and the blog was about 2 years old :).
This blog already appears in google searches and it is quite new. In my opinion if you want to talk somethings that you like, ori somethings that you hate, or add a link to one of your friends, or make some bad publicity to people that you don't like. I suggest . If you wish to be a simple blogger with no publicity no winnings from this blogging thing run wordpress and let them with money why you stay dirt poor and then get addicted to payday loans and then say bad things about them because they tooked your money!

Jan 2, 2010


2010 will be a great year for all the payday loaners and payday lenders. The economy is getting better and better. This would help both parties, it will let lenders give more money so the loaners will have more.
This year I will be a better person in every way, faster, stronger, smarter, richer, in absolutly every way.
I hope that everybody has new expectations from its life because it s best to aim high.
I wish you all the best!
I will write again tommorow about some real things :)