A wordpress fanatic just asked me this not so smart question
why payday loans on blogger.com?
it is so funny, on blogger.com I can write links, I can say whatever I feel like about this site and about anything that I wish for.
In my opinion blogger.com is 10 times better than wordpress.
Wordpress is like china, nice country, lots of people, but they are a comunist country and all those people must dance as worpdress sings.
Blogger is like the USA, absolute freedom.
For example I had a blog about payday loans where I talked about them I entered some links to some sites, wordpress told me that I was doing it for the money, and the blog was about 2 years old :).
This blog already appears in google searches and it is quite new. In my opinion if you want to talk somethings that you like, ori somethings that you hate, or add a link to one of your friends, or make some bad publicity to people that you don't like. I suggest blogger.com . If you wish to be a simple blogger with no publicity no winnings from this blogging thing run wordpress and let them with money why you stay dirt poor and then get addicted to payday loans and then say bad things about them because they tooked your money!