This is the question that hasn't really got a straight answer. Why? The answer is simple everybody that got rich got there by a chance of faith, by hard work and by being inspired. What is your plan of getting there?
Most of the people I know do not know how to be rich, because they are afraid of investments and keep their money to hard and for to long and when they decide to use them it won't give them as much satisfaction as it should.
How can you get rich? Simple, by working hard, you must work work work and after that you must work some more.
How do I know this? Because every time I got something as a present I didn't deserved I loose the exact value that I deserve from another thing.
Every time I work and make my own money those money help me get more money, help me get better deals and so on.
I got a car from my own money and it worked perfectly, I had a car that my father lent it to me it would brake constantly and I was forced to go to the service and keep on shooting money into it so I can do my job.
This is the true story about how you can get rich. You must work and never expect some one to make you rich, this is your job!