Oct 7, 2009

Forex and other trading platforms

Ok, now i don't want to get anti-comercial on them but this is how it goes.

The rates go different than the actual market, sometimes it goes the same.

When you set a fixed stop investment rate, and the rates ho at that point and then they go lower be sure that you wont be able cash in, because they prioritize to someone.

If you use for example stop loss, you set that your loses will stop when you hit 90e for example, in fact they will stop when you will hit about 80, 85.

for those who don't understand I am talking about entering the forex platform with 100e and trying it.

Ok. i had my profit marge set at 120, the rates wore up there for about 10-20 seconds, i didn't got cash out. Wanna know why, because forex has to take time to uninvest his own money.

I talked to people at forex and they told me that everything that they win is the sum of money invested of you, in other words, when you go and buy 100e for forex trading you actualy pay 110e or something like that, and so this market lives on :)

This can not be true, you have your own market and you can manipulate is as you want, and you actualy tell people that your rates might go different that the ones on the real market, now, what do you think about this?

Of course I've heard about people wining at this sort of game, and I even got a friend that got good money from it, but the single thing that I can guess is that he got lucky, it does not go as it should be. And all the tips they get you aren't really for inestment because they don't take responsability for them, isnt't that cute :))

In the end, I think there is no big difference between forex and an online casino :)