We all know that the hollydays are coming, in two days payday loans agencyes will close theyr gates untill next year. Because lenders have enought money and they like to take a little break from all of this and there wouldn't be nobody to lend from. Of course the sites will be on , the lenders will accept your loans because they need you to loan from them. But if there are no people at work there is nobody there to make the actual transaction and to put the money in your account, and so this is why I have thinked ahead, I applyed today for a loan, at the site mentioned in the other post, as you know I am a fan, and so, tommorrow I will have my cash.
I don't know how it is for you but for me hollyday = spend a lot of money , so this is my reason for loaning, I don't mind the interests because they have to make them this high, and if you are in the army the interests are verry low, about 30% per year and in my opinion this is a verry low score because for the rest of the people the loans interests are about 300% per year :P
i would like to know why did you loaned the last time you did?